GSG Protective Services believes a firm commitment to sustainability means not just developing our own sustainability initiatives, but also helping you achieve yours. Sustainability is a good example of how we can naturally and effectively support many of our client’s initiatives, in addition to creating a safer, more secure environment.
Our Sustainability Commitment
Our commitment to respect and utilize natural and human resources effectively is something of which we are very proud. Our sustainability committee ensures our programs touch every level of the company, as well as the communities we serve. GSG Protective Services’ sustainability commitment extends beyond environmental concerns to also include socio-economic factors and human capital management.
Working Together
Just as we are stewards for our clients’ safety and security awareness programs, we can do the same for their sustainability efforts. This commitment may include any number of projects where GSG Protective Services’ security officers and managers can:
- Enforce policies
- Regulate energy usage
- Provide information
- Technology to eliminate paper reports
- Utilize energy efficient patrol vehicles